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Courses taught by professors, members of the Design for Spatial Relations Laboratory, within the Department of Architecture DIDA, University of Florence.

Progettazione 2 - Interni

A program aimed at the study and design of space through the use, function and culture of living.
In the Progettazione 2 - Interni course, the fundamental elements of the analysis and design of interior and exterior space are introduced. Knowledge of space through images, examples, organization charts, design schemes, which are part of the history of interior architecture.

Progettazione 3 - Interni

The course is aimed at providing the methodological and practical tools of interior design aimed at the design of installations of any nature, private or public, permanent or temporary, such as residences, offices, stores, restaurants, places of entertainment, exhibition and cultural events.

A course aimed at identifying, including through the analysis of case studies, the theoretical foundations and functional elements that guide the design of public space with application to the themes of retail design, exhibition design and urban design.

Advanced Furniture

The main theme of the course is the system of objects/furnishings and their role within living processes in view of the social, technological, environmental and processual transformations that affect the dimension of living today. The course aspires to analyze and remodel the process of designing an artifact by highlighting the necessary steps and the skills required up to identifying the methods and principles of innovation.

Fondamenti, metodi e strumenti
per l’Interior Design

The course covers basic training related to the fundamentals of interior architecture. Topics of space morphology, room layout, geometric types, volumes, functional patterns and paths, structures and works aimed at interior architecture are covered. Notions of interior history functional to a clear view of the evolution of living processes complete the module.

Furniture Design

In this course, topics related to functional and technical knowledge of furniture systems and accessories and the relationships between them and spaces are addressed. Experiences are developed on the design of furniture in the different types of use and the broader case history of materials and technologies adopted. The module is carried out in synergy with the production system of the furniture system.

Exhibit Design

This course covers the topics of interior design in exhibition or museum use situations. Skills are acquired both in the dimension of case study analysis and through the contribution of professionals with particular experience in museum or event exhibition design. This is one of the applications provided to enable the acquisition of the essential tools for exhibition design interventions involving architectural volumes.




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